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Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

December 2 Tom Jensen I believe we got the virus under control let me know if you are still having any issues December 2 Laura Graftema Hey thanks a lot it is working great. Works a lot quicker. December 2 Tom Jensen Np glad it is working

Customer Testimonials!

Customer Testimonials!

November 8 Kari C Jenks The scans you ran found 6 viruses, I found them in the area where you turn on and off things that run when you start your computer thanks so much tom November 8 Tom Jensen yer welcome hopefully it will run a lil faster for you now! November 8 Kari […]

Monthly Maintenance

We now offer Monthly Maintenance Packages starting at $14.99/month for a year! If you want your computer to stay working and perform at it’s best our technicians will remote into your PC on a monthly basis to keep the system running smooth! Sign up from our webpage! What you get for $14.99/month Monthly PC cleanup and […]